Day 23 – Chilling in the park

Beautiful walk in the park with my mum. I’m really enjoying reading other running blogs by Janathon participants and I’m amazed (and impressed!) that so many of you go out with ice on the ground. Maybe when your feet move fast enough, there’s no time to slip because by the time you would’ve slipped you’ve already picked your foot up for the next step. So your feet don’t touch the ground fast enough to slip. Is this true – or are you all wearing very special trainers? I nearly slipped a few times, anyway. I think some muscles would’ve tensed up if I’d jogged.

mum had a nice chat with these deer


I loved the walk, but I was missing the sensation of running, so I jogged the 6 minutes or so to pick my son up from school when the pavements seemed clear of ice later in the day. Is this a ‘normal’ symptom of running addiction, I wonder? Craving that sort of ‘perpetual motion’ feeling? I’m hoping for a mild week and fast thaw next week so I can get myself out there.

Distance walked today: 9km

Spurred on by: Unique mum-talk (like only mum can) and the hot chocolate & cheesecake we shared at Pembroke Lodge.

Total January distance: 101km run, 12km cycled, 30km walked, 1km rowed!

About joggingjenny

mum on a mission to move more and consume less

Posted on January 23, 2013, in park walking. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I can completely relate to the symptoms of running addiction! Beautiful wintery photos.

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